I think if you ask people who’s divorce is far enough in their past if they regret it, of course they’re going to say no. Most people can’t spend their lives regretting major decisions like that. It really holds one back. Even for things that seem like a mistake at the time, we understand in hindsight that these “mistakes” led us to other things that we appreciate.
I’m not saying this because I’m a “everything happens for a reason” kind of person. In fact, I hate that sentiment. I think it’s more that a lot of decisions in life aren’t either right or wrong. You just make a decision and you live with the consequences of it, and those consequences will be both good and bad most of the time, with plenty of neutral heaped in there too. So I don’t think you’ll find a lot of people that have regretted their divorce, but that’s not to say that they wouldn’t have eventually been happy if they’d stayed married. And I know you’re lonely and hurt and looking for answers, but whether or not to divorce isn’t really not a decision that should be crowdsourced. I wish you the best, and I’d be interested in knowing what happens between you and your spouse.