I thought this was satire at first, lol. I did my best to read this with as open of a mind as possible, but there was a lot of eye-rolling regardless. I didn’t have a chance to check every one of your sources, but you seem to cherry pick the most egregious data and use that to characterize everyone who disagrees with you as being Them. “They” are a monolith with all the traits you hate. “They” aren’t individuals capable of thinking for themselves. Every issue becomes black and white: Us vs Them. For the most part you have decent data, but the conclusion you draw from that is like 2+2 = 7.
And while it was obvious to me from this article that you are incredibly racist, I think you would be shocked and angry to hear me say that because you didn’t even bring up Black people in this article did you? But you did talk about protesters as if they were animals. You conflated the protesters with rioters, when in fact most of the people who caused violence and did property damage at protests were right-wing extremists. but I’m sure that’s one piece of data that although you are aware of, conveniently becomes invisible when you put together your mental arguments for why you are OK with letting people die from a preventable disease.