This is a great article, and I like how you framed a lot of it as being your preference and not necessarily right for everyone, because some things you do absolutely would not work for me. For instance, I am wary of foods that have had fat removed (non-fat versions of food that is usually high in fat: for example, yogurt or milk) because it’s often replaced by sugar products, and sugar is my sworn enemy that I keep coming back to like a codependent lover. Also, the idea of taking before and after photos like you did makes me absolutely terrified, but I am happy to step on the scale every morning.
However, I 100% agree that successful weight loss requires a permanent dietary change, not a temporary one. I like your first tip a lot, and I will be looking for more high-volume foods that I enjoy. When I’m feeling very snackish two of my favorite go-to snacks are pumpkin seeds (they have fiber, fat, and protein, with no sugar) and popcorn with salt (it’s a carb but a little goes a long way!)
FWIW, I also started my most recent weight loss journey in early 2017 and a year later I had lost 65 pounds; keeping it off has been a challenge, but not as much of a challenge is losing it in the first place. (I have gained back about 15, much of that during the early months of the pandemic). Anyway, thank you for the perspective!